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Françoise used to say "Art is a thread which stretches from one artist to an artist
of the next generation so that creation never stops".
One could say that in the last 30 years this thread has been stretched tight,
almost to breaking point.
But she knew that the thread never breaks.
We were both quiet horrified by the turn contemporary painting took these last decades.
We knew it couldn't last. What we didn't know was when it will change
to something good, to something different.
Françoise always wondered wether she would live the next art renaissance or not.
At the end of her life she told me that she probably won't but that I could
because I was still young.
There was an atmosphere of end of the world when we talked about that fortunately
interrupted from time to time by her cutting humor.
She was anxious about what will happen after her. Now that she disapeared from this world,
she gave me the enormous responsability to continue art. Not her art but
an art obeying to the same philosophy of creation.
©Frederic Hage 2011
About her
Her life
Diktats of the art world
The Changing of the avant-garde
Some of her letters
Ode to a new humanism
Quest for an image
Homepage / Page d'acceuil | E-mail Last update: 10th of february 2011